On 16th July 2023, Gorakhpur Obstetric & Gynecological Society & Healthtech Partner Aryavart Medical Services, in collaboration with Mylab Discovery Solutions, held a CME on the Latest Advances in Molecular Diagnostics.
Our Director of Medical Affairs, Dr. Gautam Wankhede, was one of the speakers at the event. Dr. Wankhede explained the importance of molecular screening in the management of genital malignancies like HPV. He further emphasized how Molecular diagnostics has simplified screening for the betterment of Women’s Health.
Mylab congratulates Aryavart Medical Services and Gorakhpur Obstetric & Gynecological Society’s President, Dr. Amrita Sarkari Jaipuriar, and Secretary, Dr. Aruna Chaparia, for the successful execution of the CME event. Mylab also thanks the eminent chairpersons, Dr. Radha Jina & Dr. Reena Srivastava, for an insightful CME.