MyCount 560 is a 5-part hematology analyzer primarily focuses on providing a detailed analysis of different types of blood cells, specifically emphasizing the differentiation of white blood cells. The term “5-part” refers to the ability of the analyzer to classify white blood cells into five main subtypes: neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils.
The creative SMART FLOW fluidic technology is a simple and efficient system, which makes MYCOUNT 560 with good reliability and free of maintenance.
3D rotatable Scattergram with 3D holographic scattergram display the accurate 5 part differentiation of WBC.
Dual methods for BASO measurement
First innovative analyzer combined the optical method of BASO (BASO-I) together ,it brings more reliable and stable measurement of BASO pathologic samples and minimized the analysis failure.
Accurate measurement for low value PLT Advanced Sweep- flow technology quarentees low PLT samples counted precisely.
Low Volume Sample Consumption CBC + DIFF mode ; 20ul, CBC Mode; 10ul , Ideal choice for pediatrics and geriatrics.
Low running cost; Only three reagents needed for the test, low regent consumption for single test.
Easy to use;One touch to start the test,ONE click to remove error, ONE screen for most of the daily operation, Intelligent turn of power switch.
- MyCount 560 screen for complete blood count using Triangular Laser Flowcytometry technique.